A lot of cooperatives start as buying co-ops. They were very popular in rural towns before consumerism and credit cards took over. Such efforts also lost a lot of credibility in the anti-communism eras, then were obliterated by the anti-institution, anti-union era of Reaganism, then neo-liberalism/globalism (blind fanatical competition over competing fanaticisms).
People became individuated by brands, data science and marketing so much that they have forgotten for at least 2 generations how to talk to their neighbors. I know I have to a large degree, but I was raised by wolves and never really talked to neighbors in the first place, but my parents did.
When the consumer economy of "always low prices" does well, co-ops don't seem as important. When people are desperate, they turn to each other instead of institutions, and sometimes, that leads to intentional communities and co-ops.
I see a big future in it as Collapse happens, but also cults, gated villages, gangs and militarized compounds.