Actually, this isn’t the lie of capitalism, but civilization. It’s the conditioned belief that what happens inside city walls stays inside city walls, and nothing else will make a significant impact on what is protected by civilization (selfish anthropocentrism). Cities are thought of as the core of humanity, and everywhere else is just given by God for the rampant majority to do as they will with. The ironic bit is that conservatives manipulate the most exploited people (skilled trades, farmers, engineers) to believe that there needs to be MORE civilization (bigger walls, more conquests, more exploitation), and the liberals think that the majority (consumers) should be a protected class taken care of by the exploiters of that class (tax the rich).
Neither believes in uncivilizing because that would allow people to take care of their own place and keep their own resources and face their own risks without an aristocratic ‘guidance’ and profit.
“ Faced with this unravelling, the manifesto calls us to question the stories our societies like to tell about the world and our place within it: the myth of progress, the myth of human separation from nature, the myth of civilisation.”