Ahh..but there’s the rub, Umair. IF people put 50% or more of their labors/wealth into food, water, natural resources; then the climate change problem becomes moot as they would stop flying, driving and watching TV (they’d realize it’s cheaper to grow their own food and care for their own place than to pay for the privilege of sitting on their ass and watching uselessness happen and grow).
The ‘compromise’ is in the middle: some die off and some learn to care for the resources. How many go where is up to leadership; genuine leadership. Right at this moment, America has some 40 million people out of work, yet universities and corporations are going gangbusters to develop and produce robots to pull weeds on farms; under the premise that manual labor is ‘beneath’ us all now that we have oil money-based tech.
In the meantime, even your doom and gloom picture needs to be accelerated. Climate change is burning shit down long before 2030. The stock market is betting on it.