America (marketing) has spent the last 100 years using the techniques of psychology to turn everyone possible into selfish children so they will maintain the consumerism mindset (whenever you see the word "freedom", think "do whatever I fucking want to do").
The people supporting Trump don't hate 'elites' or 'libs' or Democrats because they have control: they are terrified of having to grow up and do some 'adulting' when it comes to life.
Millions of people in rural areas used to grow up on farms and learn adulthood the hard way (work, sacrifice, beatings, death, injury, weather, scarcity and poverty). Now that most people around the country have basic needs met by cheap food from chemicals and petroleum, and have free time and spending money to buy shiny crap they don't need that makes them feel richer than POC, they will fight to the death to keep the privileges that they believe make them Americans (White Consumers and Bullies).
No amount of reason or empathy will change their American Dream into one where they have to consider costs to other people (or the planet) before they make choices or speak.
The legacy of the 20th Century (The American Century, if you will) is neotonizing of human beings and casual waste of resources for no useful purpose.
All that said, the Left isn't all that much better. Just note how much of the Democrats' policies are couched in terms of keeping "The Economy (of) Stupid" churning along to support massive resource waste, bullshit jobs and wars.
Americans don't want to be responsible for killing our economy even if it is killing us.
Trump represents the attitude of the Ugly American Bully throwing force and money around to get whatever American corporations want.
Harris represents going back to the days when corporate shenanigans were barely kept under control and plutocrats' tax breaks were out of the public eye.
The internet has confused people because they can't believe how bad our systems really are destroying the planet, so they pick either the "Burn the paperwork and keep shooting" side or the "Be Happy, we can fix this" side.
The reality is that we are just trying to choose who gets to be in charge as symptoms of Collapse (continue to) happen: someone mean and aggressively willing to protect the mean Mean, or someone who might not murder us in our beds for a fast buck.