And what does the Donbas farmer need? How does the soil get cared for?
The rest is bullshit for rich people to fight over money and power that only exists if they and their brainwashed billions can still eat.
Americans fight over the color of people's skin in suburbs where the dominant species is the automobile. Europe still clings to royal aristocratic dumbassery and keeps consuming resources to 'prove' their superiority over a decaying world order.
Who knows what the Russians are fighting over anymore? American blue jeans? German cars? Sinkholes in Siberia? Enough petroleum to melt a water park in the Arctic?
China is building a road around the world to go out and collect radioactive metal dental fixtures when we all kill ourselves.
Nature bats last, and when we realize that we are the ball, it's too late.
Competitive fanatical consumptionism is no way to run a species, but it's all the diplomats know.
To the last one on the planet: please turn off the lights.