Are you familiar with "The Devil's Chessboard "? Cohn gets some mention for the McCarthy fiasco in that. The rabbit hole then connects Trump to McCarthy, Nixon and Cohn with a sidebar to Dulles' CIA. Dark times, indeed. That movie should be called "The Republicans" or "The Conservatives" (Dulles family). Subtitled, "You can't have a dream because we paid for nightmares with Nazi gold".
If only it was fiction, it would be funny.
McCarthy and Cohn's attempt at Project 2025-ing Ike's government met its Waterloo when they attacked Ike's Army. "Have you no decency, Sir?" doesn't apply to Trump. With the populism of Fox, Republicans don't really care if they win or lose: they just corrupt the facts until the news cycle moves on to the next corruption while corporations drag yesterday's corpses off the interstates.