As a comparison, I'm not as 'far' up the spectrum, but maybe because it was beaten out of me a lot when I was a kid. I know that women seem to mask better, for various reasons, and also, not necessarily get into knock-down fights with authority as much, and that male fighting is seen as 'leadership' in our world.
I digress. I meant to say that I was somewhat buoyed when I learned the term "Spectrum" because instead of seeing it as an exclusion, I looked at it more inclusively than I had seen people before. When we realize that the term "neurotypical" is really bullshit, only then can we start to reconcile the human condition.
Human: a primate that builds a model of its universe inside its brain and upon physical maturity, moves a model of its Self inside that model, avoiding reality at all costs.
I submit that the models we build are 9 billion universes, and to believe that none of them have a problem with their model, or that some group has a 'best' model is literally killing us.
The first thing anyone who has difficulty with 'normal' models figures out is that the problem with most people's models is thinking theirs is the 'right' one and everyone else has a 'wrong' one.
Competition. Blind fucking competition.
Humans are social animals that need each other to help build useful models in our brains. The earlier we feed competition to babies, the more we destroy their humanity.