Civilization (city-based society) itself is an evolutionary trap that we have adapted to. City walls allow humans to be isolated from the natural risk and response ability of the environment that spawned us.
How isolated? It's a ratio of 30,000 to 1: the amount of value that a gallon of gasoline is perceived to provide to the system vs. the amount a human is perceived as doing useful work. Most of our economics perceptions are based on the ability of humans to use fossil fuels to create more ways to use fossil fuels. Before replacing the fossil fuels as our energy source, we first have to lose the illusions of our species as cannon fodder/bullshit job employees engaged in consumerist combat.
An interesting example is the US health insurance debates. Trillions of dollars are spent on health insurance, associated accounting, tax avoidance, tax compliance, landscaping, advertising, etc.
Nobody needs insurance. They need good health.
There is no department of "Good Health", except as a minor subset of "Education": just many, many departments based on repelling attacks by profiteers with various poisons and schemes.
If we had a system for ensuring all humans are healthy, then we still have to ask, "What for?"
So far, the only answer we come up with is, "To compete to make the Invisible Hand Job happy."