Climate change is a symptom of our collective uselessness to our places. We can scream to the heavens about the warming horrors and protest the privilege of bullies, but we still aren't looking down at the least living organisms of the soil and asking, "How can I contribute to this ancient first mother of us all?"
No, instead we are paying universities and corporations to find ways to "feed the world"(full of humans).
The majority of humans are too poor to care about the climate and the rest are too rich to change or paid not to change, while a few complain about it as they fly to conferences about climate change research grants.
Maybe we can ameliorate some of the potential CO2 damage, but cheap energy will just enable expanded development and cut down more forests to build more houses and feed more human cattle that stomp around the planet telling imagined gods how important we are to gods. We can't consume our way out of consumptionism, and the hotter it gets, the more air conditioners we will buy while crops wither and die off.
This is just the beginning.
The only solutions to overconsumption are either scarcity(random collapse) or sales tax (intentional economic collapse).
Progress is what the land says it is.
The human species hasn't progressed since civilization built walls between nature and our offspring. It's not the technology: it's what we are not using it for (nature's needs).