"Complacency is the biggest mistake you could make right now."
An aviation report from a crashed Airbus stated something like this: "The more complex the system, the more likely it will collapse from inevitable failure to maintain high complexity".
We live in global civilization that is hell-bent on running itself into a mountain of cheap crap produced by impersonal Systems of systems.
People are complaining about all of the airline flights that get cancelled because of lack of employees. The alternative is to cut corners and watch them fall from the sky at random.
In the supply-demand spreadsheets, the prices drive us toward the latter at some point because we have allowed money to become the dominant species.
Cheap pizza and 'busy' lives have driven us to ignore the logical outcome (contaminated food) in favor of the Now (I'm hungry).
At some point, thinking people will stop flying and start growing their own food and community food systems.