Dehumanization. Competition. Bullying. Exploitation. Everyone has suffered from these things, but most of us white people have a chance to change our image and escape them. Targeting someone by their skin color is too easy to implement, nearly impossible to avoid; unless we also stop humans from targeting each other in the first place. Black and White people compete for a place in the NFL, but it's tolerated because someone wants to profit from an elite means of controlling that contest, and the billions of dollars made by getting people to fanatically compete with their neighbor over who has the biggest cheese hat.
Progress has to be made by transitioning from fanatical competicism toward cooperative usefulness, and understanding all of the ramifications of not fighting over every...fucking....thing.
The Invisible Hand (and any other imaginary being) needs to be stuffed in a wood chipper with all of the blind belief tools that are used to keep people individualized, competitive and paranoid just to make a buck.