Eunichs. (involuntary celibacy). It's not about sex, though. This is about competition and self image. Our society gets most of its education from advertising, and advertising teaches people to base their self on sexual consumptionism. If someone is too poor or tired (3 jobs?) to have sex, or they don't know how to see and communicate with other people as other than a consumer to be 'convinced' to do something you want but they don't need, then you're a failure. We only look at it like a mercantilist transaction, and 'incels' are acting just like those door to door bible salesmen who threaten you with Hell for not fitting their twisted reality.
It's this fucked up society based on competitive objectification and selfish individualism under a veil of 'freedom' and "pursuit of happiness." While people are fighting over the few pennies dropped by billionaires and complaining about their sex addictions (groomed by advertisers since birth), the world is on fire and everyone is afraid to just stop being distracted long enough to see how useless we've made the whole species. We don't know what we have lost to the "free" market because we're kept so busy kissing its ass that we can't stop long enough to listen to each other or even grow or cook a healthy, flavorful meal. It's all just Competition, busyness and Cheez Doodles at Always Low Wages while drooling over video game cartoon bodies, cars(trucks), guns, princesses and kittens. Get your discounted tour tickets at ''