Ever since Hillary was president (sarcasm, Tessa ;) while her husband was getting felated, the mantra has been, "It's the Economy, Stupid!" Well, now it's The Economy OF Stupid. We keep hearing people say that it will be impossible to replace the fossil fuel economy with renewable sources. Nobody will stop for a minute and do the math and look at the jobs and activities of our civilization, the inefficiencies and absolutely stupid uselessness of it all to our place/planet for future people, let alone for the other systems of life on the planet. If there was such a thing as a real psychic, they could read the minds of future people wondering "What the hell was an NFT and why did it cost so much? What did they need all of those guns for? Who was Cap'n Crunch, and why was he selling poisoned sugar to children? Why was the government paying insurance corporations to prevent people from getting healthcare?"
That is of course, if people in the future aren't even more idiotic than present people.