First point: The belief that money is simply "printed" is wrong. Flat wrong. Debts (including government debts) are promises to enslave our future selves into digging resources out of the ground and/or burning up resources that we haven't found yet (5 more planets at last count).
Inflation is the result because inflation is the direct number of how hard we are competing against our grandchildren (and they are losing).
Bitcoin: at any time, the government can step in and say, "Only state-issued currency is legal tender."
They've done it before. They'll probably do it again.
Whether the state is going to issue an ideological blockchain currency is just another nightmare to worry about (all of our actual value accounted for on electronic devices and a hacker with a quantum computer putting prices on our passwords).
When the actual value of a day's work compared to a day's food and housing/transportation/healthcare is finally accounted for, there is hardly any growth in the economy. Just inflation of various pricing schemes, supported by the government that wants inflation so it doesn't have to pay back as much value for the amount it borrows and "always low prices" forcing suppliers and laborers to produce value at negative parity.
When the government borrows money, it is promising your enslavement by proxy at a rate inversely proportional to the tax rate. If the government borrows $1 trillion and the tax rate is 25%, then it has to encourage (taxable!) economic activity of $4 trillion in order to pay the money back (plus interest).
We've let the government become car-buying suckers who only look at the monthly payments, not the whole debt owed anymore because we can't afford to pay the actual debt of the government any more than teenagers can afford to buy a $90,000 pickup truck to do landscaping work.
But they do it 'on paper' just like puppies.