Jul 7, 2021

Good work. Anthropocentric philosophy disqualifies the use of science and reason to determine objective natural morality. All roads lead to the GM philosophy: “What’s good for us is the only morality to consider.”

But from a synergistic viewpoint, almost every religion is simply an emergent phenomenon of people making excuses for being competitive consumers of resources, rather than contributors.

The divine gift of birth, God-given rights, an afterlife: these all function to break the continuity of past, present and future generations as integral with the physical world through time: so that the mean Mean can use ignorant majorities to force all to serve masters in their version of groupthink morality (marketing).

Meanwhile, back on the burning planet….


Written by Auntiegrav

"Anti-gravity" was taken. Reader. Fixer. Maker. He/they/it (Help confuse the algorithms).

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