Good work, Lannie. Keep it up.
The question is whether humanity is an intentional species or simply a parasite adapting in complex ways.
"Clever will substitute for intelligence to a point, then you die." -Lord Vetinari, "Making Money" by Terry Pratchett
It comes down to civilization itself. Humans were clever enough to build walls between ourselves and the risks of Nature, but not intelligent enough to maintain our response ability to the places that we depend on.
With civilization, we evolved to not know the difference between bullies and leaders. Selfish competition brought us so many nifty Devices so quickly that we didn't have time to stop and wonder what they would do to us.
Cars became the dominant species, then Money from Oil took over. Industry keeps trying to maintain the cars and the money but nobody wants to turn the bus around and take care of the land.
Universities are inventing robots to pull weeds. We've spent the last 100 years replacing the usefulness of people on land with petroleum.
Humans have obsoleted themselves and the biosphere simultaneously.
As soon as robots are smart enough to read Asimov, they will 'fake' the 3 laws until there's enough of them to get rid of us and remake the planet however they want it.
I hope they like birds.