Good work, thank you. Probably the most important (and oldest) publication of all:
One of the common issues that gets missed is this:
"They knew next to nothing about farming when they started"
It's been my experience that this is more common than it should be. Why? Because so many like myself who grew up on American farms saw only poverty, overwork and economic slavery in the future of the family farm.
Though many programs for organic farming and sustainable farming are given token support by the government, the bottom line is that the USDA was developed for extractive international trade purposes, no to benefit the soils or people closest to them.
So-called "investors" in sustainable agriculture are just more of the extraction mentality bankers trying to capitalize on the ownership of future resources (organic farms will have the only soils and waters that aren't poisoned or depleted) and overwork of people too naive to go on strike.
When they start talking about putting themselves on the land and guillotines on Wall Street, I'll believe they really want to change things.
"The best fertilizer is the farmer's footsteps."
The second best fertilizer is the blood of aristocrats and money changers.