Hence, my oft-repeated "It's all in the marketing and it's ALL marketing."
The first mistake made is pluralization of natural rights. As Paine points out, "the dead have no rights": I submit that the living come by only one naturally: The Right to Try to live. Everything else, built for manipulative reasons or expediency or survival, is statutory and administrative; requiring constant vigilance, cooperation and maintenance.
All of the problems faced now are a lack of accepting our "animalness" as our equality, and our "rights" as cooperative privileges establishing human intentionality/agency. Whenever unequal submission to authority or random assignation of value is allowed to reign, corruption of our singular natural right to Try to live takes over. Humanity's collective Right toTry to live does not justify taking that right from other animals' future or future humans. There's the rub: our ancestors may not have rights, but our future collective has more right than the living. Evolutionarily, it is the future environment that needs adapting for, not the present. Our statutory rights are written for the selfish present to protect the past(authority), while protecting the future demands self-less cooperative intent among selfish domesticated (mind-controlled) competitors. This is why revolutions happen (barbarians arise within civilization) and then fail: not because they can't reach agreement, but because they do. Democracy depends on skeptical minds with sensible awareness, not two groups paid to stagnate.