2 min readAug 15, 2019


Here’s a better idea: We already have a socialized medicine system. It’s called the US Military. Draft all medical personnel into that system, put them on the GS payroll, and people will get what it is they need, not what they are coerced into wanting by insurance companies and sugar salesmen.

Nobody needs insurance. They need good health. The nation needs people to be healthy, not serviced by corn syrup and soda pop and cheese with insulin chasers. That means your system needs to include the FDA and the USDA in its plans. You can’t have healthy people if they don’t eat healthy food.

Yes, the average American will complain. Of course they will: they’re stupid, and they’re KEPT stupid by advertisers and politicians who profit from that stupidity and all of the addictions to alcohol, sugar and entertainment that put people’s asses on couches and ship them sugar overnight.

Costs? We’re already paying for it. Mostly interest on the national debt because Americans are too stupid to stay home and make or grow stuff for themselves. Most American farmers don’t grow their own food. They drive trucks and tractors and feed cattle or they chase illegal immigrants out to milk cows at half the price of paying their own kids or neighbors.

The cows and equipment are all owned by the banks, and the equipment companies always have ‘the next best thing’ that will cost just a little more than they can afford, so they have to expand the operation. Then, the government comes in with price supports to keep the ‘family’ farmer from going bust (well, after a few neighbors commit suicide, anyway).

All of this rests on the concept that people need ‘jobs’ from rich Aristocrats to be ‘free’ of gub’mint’. That’s exactly what southern soldiers thought in the Civil War, too.

Now, we have millions of people convinced they have to fight for the right to be made sick and poor by Drug and Insurance Aristocrats, instead of Cotton Aristocrats. The Liberal Aristocrats want us all to believe that there can be such a thing as ‘better’ insurance that involves corporations. Of course, it will be administered by THEIR aristocrats.

Nothing that deals with caring for people should have the term “Limited Liability Corporation” after its name. You cannot trust people that you can’t reach with a pitchfork. Bring one to your next appointment with anyone that has a title. See how that goes. If you don’t have a pitchfork, try one of those pointy telescoping marshmallow things you can get in the camping section. It will fit in your pocket.

Anyone that says we have to keep our current doctors and system needs to learn two simple words: “Lyme Disease”. Google it. The high-priced doctors know less about it than your local herbalist does.




Written by Auntiegrav

"Anti-gravity" was taken. Reader. Fixer. Maker. He/they/it (Help confuse the algorithms).

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