Hopefully, I can keep this short. Schroedinger postulated that Life is the anti-entropy; it makes useful structure from the remnants of decay and randomness. Evolution matters because it is a continuous improvement program with no defined goal except random mutation and natural selection by persistence. The key to any species' persistence is its net future usefulness to its place and offspring. This is the ratio between contribution and consumption that is forced beyond net zero to net positive by unpredictable risks (black swans). Humans were clever enough to create our separate environments (mental and physical) that kept natural risks at bay while we hyperconsume the natural world. Now (since civilization) we keep trying to assign more meaning than we need to the useless and unnecessary predicaments that only exist in our civilized Petri dish/CAFO. We have found so many amazing and beautiful things about the universe, but all we can think of is how we are so special that we imagine invisible beings to tell us how special we are. Bullies use these pyramid schemes to keep our free will in their hands and bank accounts while we work for them to buy a car to drive to their schools and churches. In the long geologic time frame, we have the potential to offer Nature a new feature: intention. Unfortunately, we let a few people tell us we don't have it, all because they have captured and embedded it all in their money at "always low prices" and "God's will be done".
It takes a village to establish real freedom of will. The reason we can't find meaning is because it was sold to the mean Mean.