Human: a primate that builds a model of the universe inside its brain, and upon physical maturity, moves a model of itself inside that model; avoiding reality at all costs.
Human brains basically survive on hope from moment to moment; the hope that their worldview is all they will have to see, but that’s the conscious part. Our executive function is a small portion of the brain’s ability to make choices instinctively and habitually and to act on those choices. The consumptionism/colonialism belief system is heavily invested in keeping people from questioning their worldviews, and in convincing them that giving up their personal labor or value for trinkets is a brilliant idea.
You don’t have to change people’s mind. You only have to get their mind to do things without thinking about it, or by thinking it was their idea. That’s what marketing does, right after it steals your attention and your time, then your self-esteem, it goes for the money by providing expensive Hope as the answer to everything.