Humans don't have an environmental problem; the environment has a humans problem. The Irish potato famine was a symptom of blind anthropocentric consumptionism: the flow of human work was to consume more than was put into the land. All of the other labels are just varying human-imagined pyramid scheme levels (political, economic, moral(always decided by competitive selfishness) and so-called "environmental" ("why is food production decreasing?").
Humans have all of the required tools to work at being contributors to our places rather than destroyers. We keep letting bullies and shamen (note "men") tell us that human economic growth at any cost is the only morality we should listen to because we always have done.
Civilization(citystate-based) extraction(colonialism) has to be reversed. That is the problem of which global heating is only one predicament we are facing.
Perpetual Growth will die. We just have to decide if we are going to euthanize it or each other....