I agree to a point. It's not hate, though. It's ignorance and convenience, and it's a systemic failure. The 20th century was owned by the anti-establishmentarians. It started with McCarthy's anti-communist jihad that destroyed rural cooperatives and factory unions. Then, the hippies decided that all big administrations were evil empires. Republicans, Reaganites and Fox News sold everyone (Left and Right) the bullshit that we have to be "Competitive" against everyone we know, meet or imagine who could ever get ahead of the Rugged Selfish Individual we are supposed to die for.
Your parents were taught to distrust the very systems that they were supposed to build and make functional. Republicans taught people to perpetually cut budgets from under those systems. That left you unable to embrace any system enough to sue that asshole under the labor laws.
Been there. I didn't realize what was going on (working 'salary' and not knowing that overtime still applies) until after the statute of limitations expired. (They only give Labor 2 years, but corporations have forever family legacy to fuck you over.)
Millennials are communicating about the problems, but they really need to learn to effectively cooperate and prioritize on that cooperation, then follow through with successes instead of sliding backward (what happened after Occupy Wall Street, btw). The System of systems tries to separate everyone into small groups to keep them obsessed with individual grievances instead of anchoring and stabilizing a collective power over the corruption of Power itself.
Millennials have to form their own system that sets aside all of the seemingly immediate threats so that they can fight the bully that is Big Money and The Economy of Stupid (extractive consumptionism).
This is everyone's fight for survival now, whether we acknowledge it or not. Nature is fighting back against all of humanity, no matter what continent we live on.
Boomers aren't going to set aside the ingrained nationalism and selfish competition that are all they know about existence unless they are forced to or they die off.
These are my older siblings and my parents. There are X-gens who live in that world, as well. You see them in oversized trucks or race cars. You see them buying season tickets to sportsball teams. They are all of the consumers who refuse to stop living for the next purchase to prove they can buy something that a neighbor already has (re: Gun Culture). They are the 'Boomers' as well. It's a state of mind, not a physical age.
This is the mentality of the 20th century that was created by the WWII "Greatest" generation's Mad Men. Boomers were raised in that blind belief in Competitive Consumption, and the economists keep dragging it forward and dropping it on us with every headline about protecting Wall Street, Banks or the Federal Budget or the Cost of Healthcare (that isn't any such thing).
They don't hate their children. They love them just the same as any other purchased trophy: without thought and without consequence or self-conscious guilt.
That's why they are terrified of a computer (ChatGPT) that seems like it can think. It might just replace them in the checkout lines. Computers have already replaced the cashiers, after all.