I can't speak for Science per se: I'm only positing what I think is my interpretation of something between the lines of mathematical complexity and geometric reduction. That takes us to an extrapolation of a 4 dimensional system down to zero dimensions. However, experimental physics seems to reinforce the natural philosophy that "Nature abhors a vacuum": whereas instead of a zero point singularity being empty space, the zero can only exist for an infinitesimal time (just as you cannot divide by zero because the zero reresents the undefined lack of real things). What fills the gap is random dimensions and particles of infinite possibilities. The "god" point, so to speak. Does it make sense any more than entanglement? Not yet. It does take us down to a point of circular contention in anthrocentric reasoning, though. If Einstein was right, and "everything is waves", then we get to "what is the medium?" even though Aether Theory was disproved time and again, theories like strings, dark energy and axons keep pushing us into the realms of assuming there's a very big or very small There there but we don't have the senses to see it (fish in water).