I define Evil as an action taken based on an unquestioned belief. Anthropocentrism is a belief that needs deep skepticism. I define "good" as anything (behavior, chemical reaction, reproduction or service) that contributes more to the future of its place (or offspring) than it consumes in resources.
I think human brains gave Nature the possibility of intentional futures (agency). Whether it is a feature or a bug is still undetermined, but it's not looking good for the future of the enterprise right now.
The only thing lacking for humans to have good behavior is for humans to have good behavior. (Paraphrasing Du Fu,"The only thing lacking for good government is good government.")
We can easily measure our "belonging" to the biosphere (and our chances of going extinct) by the percentage of the global population and economy that are dedicated to serving the biosphere (most farming is simply extraction with minimal contribution).
I'm guessing here, but I think it's much less than 1% or actually negative numbers: getting worse by capita every year the economy grows but contribution to the planet shrinks.