I enjoy your work. Thank you. In the post-ego quest, the pre-ego times stand out, as well. What was the iincubator for selfish ego? If we are to seek a world without ego (nationalist ego at that), we are also seeking a world where Competition is reined in and the gift cooperation economy allows individuals to relax a bit and step back from not only the brink of conflict, but away from those who profit by demanding it.
Woodrow Wilson was convinced that the USA entering WWI would leave no powerful entity outside the conflict to act as the parent figure and force an end to the conflict. The UN was intended to be able to do it, but doesn't have the teeth.
Theoretically, control of nukes could be handed to the UN, as well as any powerful AI tools. Yet, people won't have addressed the ego/compete Spell of civilization (humanity's war against Nature).
Therein lies the Toolmaker's Koan: not in the development of technology per se, but the magic spell that is the consumer's selfish bullying of the weak and dumb(nature or persons who cannot speak for themselves).