Jan 14, 2022
I like this quote, but there’s some extenuating circumstances that make it mostly moot.
- Rome didn’t have millions of firearms in the hands of deluded fanatically competitive consumerists dependent on the Whole of Rome for their very existence (food, transportation, semiconductors, Bubaroo, etc).
- Rome didn’t have the population concentrations that modern cities do, vulnerable to electricity or water loss, and dependent on instant communication systems for security, food and disease control.
- Rome didn’t face NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) weapons.
- Romans weren’t dependent on Rome for survival, for the most part. Ex-Romans could basically walk or sail to a frontier and make a new life, build a town and start a new country. Any able body had value in most places.
- Rome used banks: the banks didn’t own Rome’s ability to conduct business through magically derived credit systems.