I love motorcycles. I have more than one. I don't need any of them. The motorcycle industry is, like professional sports, a luxury on top of a luxury(free time to be useless). Play is an essential, instinctive desire that has been co-opted by massive wealth accumulation systems until we started buying self driving cars so we can play with our phones while riding to a job to buy a car to drive to a job to buy a house as far from useful work as possible: mostly because war mongering city-state ideology conditions everyone to fear and compete against other people for the benefit of a few hypercompetitive bullies. We have filled the planet with our competitive extraction processes until there's no place available to just let children play. Much of it is because of the automobile industry's power and tactics that brainwashed humanity into making a rich man's toy into ubiquitous 'necessity', and forgetting how to tell the difference by believing that currency is value and money is time.