I submit that it isn't about giving up our egoistic sense of humanity: it's about finding what humans are good for in their place(s). Yes, our consumptionism and waste are destroying the planet as we know it, but there's no overarching goal taught to children for them to strive toward. Instead, every major decision has been subcontracted to Big Money and the Invisible Hand Job, with everyone hoping that all of the collective selfishness will magically push out a useful baby.
No intention at all.
We certainly should acknowledge our cousins and other species' importance as part of the greater whole, but homo sapiens sapiens is supposedly able to not only leave them alone, but to improve their systems with intent; thus improving our own future.
Far too many discussions stop at "sustainable" and "preservation", when we should be going for "regenerative" and "contribution".
What is the carrying capacity of humanity?