I submit that Nature is not Absurd in its actions, it only seems so because we can't allow that our intelligence isn't all that great; that our brains are the absurdity without an apparent point to Nature. The human brain (a model-making prediction machine with a self-ish ego model inside it that avoids immediate reality) offers Nature something that its highly refined adaptability engine (DNA) can't quite do: intentions. Most recently, we can think of DNA as Nature's Large Language Model computer. It works quickly and deeply on a lot of levels, but it doesn't have its own sense of self and desires that weren't experienced and catalogued. This offering of our ability seemed pretty nifty to Nature at first ("Wow! Look at those crazy idiots go! They can live anywhere!"), but then, we became too successful and it started affecting the resources and other species in detrimental ways.
Can we intentionally become useful to the natural living order of anti-entropy (Schroedinger), or will we continue to stay drunk on our power until we extinguish ourselves chasing money and imaginary puppet masters?
Life has meaning in Nature, but Nature itself needs no meaning. Humanity enables Intentionality to become part of living, moving matter, but putting brakes on this bus us up to the corporations that sell collision services.