I take the side of the soil. Fuck humans. Anyone bombing anything is wrong. Anyone claiming to own a place is wrong. Anyone standing on the side of humans against the soil is wrong, because future humans need the soil more than they need the billions of present humans.
On the more humanist perspective, even if one takes the side of Israel being a victim; Bombing is not hunting. If you have been wronged then sure, go ahead and hunt down the perpetrators in person. Get outside help if you can't control yourself.
Bombing is always murder. War is always murder. Admitting this is just one step in understanding why we go to war to murder people who we think need murdering. When we use murder and pretend it isn't murder, then nothing will ever make sense and the land will be ignored because people are insane animals that put themselves in cages and pretend it's freedom while they greedily destroy the land to put up cages in places that don't need people.
Wendell Berry asked, "What are people FOR?"
Apparently, to make more people to kill for money.