I think my story is along those lines, but over a longer period of time. I remember a time when my first daughter was worried that cutting trees in the Amazon was going to destroy oxygen production. I made her look it up and see that most oxygen production was in the oceans. Some years later, when peak oil was a thing, I was curious about the proportions of things, so I did the napkin calculations of how much ice was in Greenland and Antarctica vs surface area of the oceans, etc. I didn't expect the numbers that came up. Basic geometry doesn't lie when you do the math yourself.
The real problems even then were much more understandable when you simply add up the profits and lobbying money. Then you realize how doomed we are. It's all in the marketing, and it's ALL marketing: especially belief systems.
One dollar really is one vote, and that dollar votes for the other dollars, and in today's world, every dollar is a fossil fuel-derived dollar. All of the talk about supply-demand economics depends on people being supplied with food. That food comes almost exclusively from fossil fuels, whether it's grown that way or in your yard, you have to drive to a job to make money to pay for the yard.
That's how the system works, and it won't change until it dies.