I think you missed the third function of religion: identity and competition. Bizarre and unique customs and knowledge (re: Jared Diamond) allow a group of people to identify threats from people who don't follow the proper dress, deference or language, allowing the element of surprise attack to target 'Others' faster in a first contact situation and to identify imposters who might be infiltrating the tribe.
The "One True God" functionality becomes a competitive marketing scheme for Christianity, where myriad churches compete for customers (souls to 'save') supposedly worshiping the same God.
Humanity has followed two paths: the animist type cooperative-symbiotic path of generous culture and the 'civilized' (city-based society) of selfish protectionism. Individuals may find some mid-range of these paths, but societies (especially market-based) tend toward selfish 'teams' that only cooperate in order to compete on a larger scale.
"My war god is better than your war god", etc.
A church becomes a competitive corporation, then, rather than inspiration for the soul of a village.
God can be the marketing department for a useful town meeting, or an amazingly profitable and tax-free product that never has to be delivered.
Meanwhile, the net future usefulness of the individual, town or species to a place is left under the auspices of non-leadership: The Invisible Hand of blind aggressiveness, where people evolved to not know the difference between leadership and bullying.
"Every other political system, therefore, is an attempt to move human behavior out of alighnment with the fundamental order"
Yes. Civilization itself is the 'cheat': humans have built walls both figuratively and literally to separate ourselves from the risks and responsibilities of the environment that spawned us.
When gods and ancestors lived in every rock, tree and animal, we felt our instinct to nurture these things in favor of our future: to know where our next meal would be found.
Now, that instinct is partly why we worship money and markets. Within a market society, God comes with a bar code.