I WISH it was as solid as a Jenga tower...
It's more like a house of cards, but each new layer is made with heavier and heavier materials on top of the weakest foundation possible: extraction of resources without any plan to rejuvenate or replace them. The possibility for a faster collapse lies in the perceptions. All of the northern/western economies are 'investing' economies: most of the plans are made for a Perception of Perpetual Growth.
As the southern economies are more accustomed to poverty, their perceptions are usually grounded in local resources and not luxury and conveniences.
The profits of Wall Street, etc are going up during Collapse because investors believe that when rich people stop buying stuff, they can sell even more to the higher populations of poor countries by showing them how great luxuries are.
Once the perception of perpetual growth collapses, all bets are off. Suburbs collapse. Energy stocks collapse. Tax revenues collapse. etc etc.
It's not like civilians are going back to the land to replace petroleum, and even if they did, they wouldn't know how, they wouldn't have tools, and the 'switching costs' would be murder (literally).