I wouldn’t. If given the choice, I would make the world feed itself. When you ask, “How would you feed the world?”, you mean, “How would you feed an increasing, unfettered population of mammals with limited resources?” What you should really be asking is, “Why the hell are we feeding so many people and what are they doing to put more into their own environment than they take from it?”
If you can’t get a positive answer out of the last part of that question, you will never be able to “feed the world” because humans will have overrun and denuded it in their idiotic quest for imaginary beings and little green pieces of paper. Think “army ants on Venus” the next time someone imparts that we must feed more people.
As a farmer, if I have a barn that holds 100 cows, and land to support that many, and each one has a calf every year, it would be stupid to keep each and every calf alive. Yet, that’s what we are supposed to believe is the proper way for human animals to be blindly multiplied, and even worse, we encourage increasing consumption and wasted resources with each generation (western consumerism).
Yet, there are a million people arguing about whether we should feed them organically or intensively. STOP IT! They just make more people. Before you feed the stray cats in the neighborhood, you catch them and get them neutered. And don’t get me started on pets.