"If the Democrats ever stop shooting themselves in the foot with gun control, they will never lose another election." -Joe Bageant, RIP
Democrats are creating an imaginary world where the majority of Americans don't live. I think it's in Finland or Switzerland, where their friends keep all of the money, and they hope the drug companies and insurance companies will drop even more of it in their pockets.
Republicans just walk right up (to the same drug and insurance companies) and say, "Give us your money and we'll do what you say." As far as the corporations are concerned, it's lower overhead that way.
Democrats get anonymous callers and desperate people to make the calls for them, but you have to have a PhD first (in something unrelated to actual work- "FREE COLLEGE, EVERYONE!").
Greta Thunberg demonstrates the wisdom of the old one room schoolhouse: let the older kids teach the younger kids when the teacher is out of the room.
Democrats think they are always the teacher and don't realize that the kids only listen to their siblings, and their siblings are having fun playing with the staplers and bullying the nerds.
Voters want to see actions. Democrats want to give lectures and tell everyone how smart they are.
Republicans just have to sell guns and gas and keep someone poorer than their voting base so it looks like the Democrats are trying to take away your guns and gas to let the poorer people take your house as you die from not being able to afford the expensive drugs that only people with college (perceived as Democrats) can afford.
Sorry about the discordant thread: it's a comment, not an essay ;)