I'm actually on the side of Nature. The 'civilized' world as we know it is an extraction-based death cult. Humanity has massive potential to add "intention" to Nature's portfolio of achievements and resources (above just DNA). Instead, we have used our tools to create a System of systems based on meanness and cleverness (unfettered, opportunistic competition without natural philosophy), like raccoons that steal food from a dog that's chained up.
I'm kind of a happy doomer about it all. People don't do the right thing until it's their last resort because that's what always worked.
Now that it really is the LAST resort, I'm curious as hell to see what kind of bullshit the bullies come up with and how it will fail.
Carl Sagan tried to show us how insignificant we really are (Pale Blue Dot), but then we fell under the spell of The Economy of Stupid that was Modern Monetary Theory (pump, dump and burn for perpetual growth).
There are ups and downs, but the Petri dish is at an end. Fungi and rot are the future unless the System of systems fails fast enough and obviously enough that people are shocked within this decade into reversing everything we believe about our existence (religion is lying to children: always has been), our places (we can't extract a future) and our usefulness to nature (the opposite of consumption is generosity, not frugality).
I won't place bets either way. There's no 'winning'.