I'm always 'wrong' about this, but it has to be pounded into the thick hopium fruit jello of modern "experts": You cannot create money out of thin air. Banks don't 'loan money into existence': they convert your living future time into a promissory note. They and supposedly you, enslave your future self. The government does so at a fractional rate: they promise themselves that future citizens will enslave themselves to paying taxes, but at a multiple of the amount they 'borrow'.
This is what they start wars over: the realization that future slaves can't possibly exist to pay the notes as well as building the infrastructure to do so. Not to mention the natural resources required (we can't possibly burn the amount of oil required to pay off all the debts, no matter how much cheaper we make enslaved farmers to create more humans to buy more plastic to fill more landfills).
We, our parents, and grandparents all voted for wars at the cash registers decades ago to get to the choices we face now. The only solution is accepting bankruptcy and cutting up the fossil fueled existential credit cards, letting Nature take back everything and starting over as a different species than we know (see Eric Lee).