"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."
It isn't hostility toward civilization that I feel. It's simply observation of a suicidal system that blocks out feedback from the resources (and people closest to those resources) it will depend on in the future. Cities are great if your goal is to conduct a war against Nature's tooth and claw. Congratulations. We won. There's 8 billion of us who want a Dodge Challenger Hellcat. Now what?
The noosphere is basically blind faith in the Invisible Hand Job. It has no real sense of purpose, resources or reality. A person can 'work' to earn 40 dollars per hour being useless to their own future, but profitable to the noosphere. That 40 dollars can buy 1000 manhours of work in the form of gasoline. The work performed by the gasoline creates demands for more resources (more profits for the noosphere), but no feedback at the point of purchase that tells the chooser/voter how much they are taking climate stability away from their offspring. Neither does the credit card they use tell them that they have just enslaved their future self to another hour of senseless labor (plus interest).
The simple solution is not destruction of civilization: it's sales tax that includes all of the overhead costs of civilization, including universal basic income without any means testing, universal good health support (not profit-based insurance), and cooperative usefulness education (i.e., "What have you done for your place, lately?").
Otherwise, we just let it play the tournament until the noosphere burns itself out to the last 'team' because there's no fire suppression built into the system.
Your examples only work as long as there is political and economic stability in the majority of the system (the Perception of Perpetual Growth) so that investors invest, diplomats negotiate in good faith, and triggers are on 'safe' long enough for some Star Trek miracle tech source to fill all bellies with food from dilithium-powered replicators and spend their days snogging holograms or killing bugs with phasers.
Lose the stability or the perception of growth, and all bets are off in the casino called "Spaceship Earth": all tools are employed to 'win at all costs', and profits become secondary to survival ("fuck it, frag it") in a very short time frame.
Cynical? Yup.
"Life is pain, sweetheart. Anyone telling you different is selling something." -The Princess Bride.