Instead of using all the word salads of "bigotry", "racism", "sexism", "homophobia", etc etc etc: let's call it what it is:
Bullying. Someone with power (or perceived power by joining a group) is using that power to coerce or hurt someone weaker than them in any particular context.
Civilization has evolved to exploit bullying for its speed and violence (profits). By not calling it what it is, we cannot discern the leaders from the bullies.
Was Brett Kavanaugh or Trump a sexist? A bigot? Who knows what the armies of lawyers on both sides actually decide under their piles of money.
Are they bullies? Hell, yes. Were the people supporting them bullies? Hell, yes (including the advertisers on all channels that coerced people to buy products while showcasing bullying).
Were the people who attacked the Capitol building terrorists? Traitors? Who knows?
Were they bullies? Hell, yes.
Did the US invade Iraq and Afghanistan as defenders of democracy? Protectors of human rights? Maybe, on paper.
Did we invade as bullies? Hell, yes.
We don't have to be "pro" anything to be anti-bully.
The whole list of the Bill of Rights was written to counteract bullying. People defending the ten commandments are generally defending the right of a bully(or His minions) to tell people how to live, and not to listen to the other bullies.