It's my interpretation that this is exactly why Area51 was located where it was: the Atomic secrets act separates the test range from the military and places it under its own recognizance (ala Gen Groves) so that presidents (Commander-in-Chief of the military) can't order anyone to tell secrets that could harm a larger picture beyond a bureaucratic functionary or president's 4 year authority span. (see "Flouride") Ever since Reagan was president, there has been a shift of military support systems to privatization (Dyncorp, etc) under the guise of 'saving money' and 'less government', but it has enriched the politicians and revolving door pedestrians immensely at taxpayer expense (and deficit spending). Mostly, it's a 'feature' of the desire by the Pentagonians for "convenience". The only thing worse than doing a gub'mint man's job for him is to make him do it himself. It's easier to write an RFP (request for proposals) than to write the proposals and do the work yourself. If a contractor is already doing the work, they have an inside advantage to write a proposal to stay on that throne.
If a different contractor happens to submit a cheaper proposal, they usually end up hiring the people who already work for the incumbent contractor.
The System of systems only breeds more systems. Hardly anyone stops to question whether there is a need for drastic turnover or termination.
Evil: an action taken based on an unquestioned belief.