It's not the 90% that are the problem. It's the other 10%....
The problem is not overpopulation, nor carbon: it's consumptionism: the behavior and belief that the way humans should live is by competitively consuming rather than contributing to their places.
This "net future consumption" method of living is accelerated by various tools like civilization (city-based society that isolated humans from nature), capitalism (belief that money establishes value by pricing), technology (reducing human labor until the physical human is useless to its place).
We don't necessarily have to eliminate these tools, but to re-evaluate what humans are for in relation to their place (Earth).
If everything is decided by "what's best for everyone", then humanity will fail from selfishness as a species.
Human beings get suicidal when they feel useless to their own future.
Everything about consumptionism-based capitalism is geared to that end by devaluing the human as part of their place and making them only valuable to imaginary beings (gods, gurus, governments, etc).
"In a society based on competition, you inevitably get fewer and fewer winners and more and more losers." -Wendell Berry
The winners write the history, set the rules and extract value.
That's less than 10%. The rest just need to stop playing their games.
They also have to stop looking for leadership from failed leaders who believe they can make everyone 'winners' by keeping competition as the priority.
Most people don't even know they are competing for their own future: they just accept competition as the only life they have known. Fanatical competition over competing fanaticisms (loyal fans).