"it’s only human but it is a bit of a waste of energy because it won’t make things easier even if it makes us feel better for a while."
Perhaps, but not telling people when something is wrong just because you don't want to alienate them is not going to bring attention to the actual problem, either. Solving problems is a different philosophy than gaining consensus or convincing people to 'buy' a story that makes them feel better or even feel a shared paradigm (notice the other comments).
When living in a cesspool (fanatical competition over competing fanaticisms), we come up and blow out our air passages once in a while. People offended tend to be those who believe they aren't living in a cesspool, and are as much of the problem as those who know they are, but do nothing but wallow in it. "There are none so enslaved as those who believe they are free." -Goethe
We can pretend we are floating on a lily pad of benevolent grace and love, but the end as part of the soil is the same for everyone.