It's really not that hard to see once you step out of the anthrocentric bubble for a minute. Capitalism is a tool of colonialism (extraction and violence economics), and its major focus is on theft.
Reversing the process from theft to gifting (Nature) under capitalism is actually easy: it's called UBI and Real Cost Pricing. All decisions under capitalism are based on price and cashflow motivation.
Stop paying rich people to be violent against poorer people (and their places) and start paying people to be generous to their places (caring for natural systems and each other to create wealth/energy (see Frederick Bott's comments)).
Put all overhead costs of civilization (city-based societies) into a single VAT and use the revenue for UBI, good health (not corporatized sick care insurance), education, planned parenthood, and cooperative government bureaucracies (including anti-corruption systems).
Today, people are out voting one time for someone they hope won't kill their children in their sleep, and then will go back to voting billions of times every day for those who will: because "It's the Economy,(of) Stupid".
The opposite of capitalism is not socialism: it's sales tax. See "A History of the World in 7 Cheap Things" Cheap food made cheap people and cheap capitalism. Citizens need to know real costs at the decision point, not in academic journals and 'non'-profit newsletters.