"It's the Economy, Stupid." People can't talk about global warming because everything we know about civilization is based upon growth and wasted resources. The Whole Shebang of nearly everyone's modern life is predicated on investors investing, drivers driving, buyers buying and borrowers enslaving their future selves with debt because "jobs", "cheap food", "competition" and Growth.
If any part of that starts to fail, the Perception of Perpetual Growth collapses. That Perpetual Growth system is based on net extraction of resources, both physical and human, and the magical 'disposal' of waste products "somewhere, not here".
Civilization/colonialism has made humans evolve to not know the difference between a bully and a leader.
Food. What the raw food system does is going to be the future of humanity. The rest is just entertainment. Without cheap food, there's no money left over to throw at bullshit jobs for bullshit people in bullshit cities. Debt-based spending on 'infrastructure' has no foundation if there's no natural useful work being done.
The Perception of Perpetual Growth Church needs everyone to Believe Hard. The core of that Belief is to lie. We're being lied to so much that our idea of truth is just which lies hurt less (or more, depending on which class you are in), and most are tax-deductible for the class that makes it hurt most. The majority of people in richer countries are not ready to live without the privilege of being ignorant (feigned or real). Nature is just beginning to educate us all.