Just to play 'shithead advocate' for a second: What if it works? By this, I mean that if the oligarchs get all of their magic dust spinkled around, Shitcoin takes over from the dollar, and trillions of newly generated wealth flows freely to the Top Men, then what? While the Democrats have done their damnedest to keep their level of wealth status quo through heavy handed bureaucracy, university publication, social security and credentialization guilds, they have had little more vision of a useful future than the oligarchs and their credentialed economists getting an Invisible Hand Job. So, as it falls apart, the proles will be drawn like moths to pyramids of money. The difference being that the present Witch Doctors are busy dismantling the government that not only thwarted their exploitation schemes, but also protected them from the proles (whom the oligarchs have armed to the teeth). If the money/value is real, the proles eventually just take it back. If it's smoke and mirrors, the survivors learn to live without it. An overlord is already controlling our perception of value through pricing and imagined scarcities; it's called "Marketing Science." The Rich know the Endgame is near. They don't have to care. They really don't.