Like I said, Hope is what keeps the poor from eating the Rich. In between magical sky puppets (status quo penis rockets) and cannibalism (guillotines) is just stress and resources. 'Real' political action is called "revolution" and survivable social action happens when people see each other as valuable members of the world around them.
Consumerism and blind faith (The Invisible Hand Job) have conditioned people to only be fanatical competitors over competing fanaticisms (brands, teams, labels) that bring no value to the places that human beings need in order to live.
The Right Here, Right Now mindset has obliviated history and future so that socialists are more concerned with getting re-elected by the desperate masses they are dependent on keeping poor (statistically, when people have enough resources to 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps', they are conditioned to hate their peers and they become libertarians trying to get out of paying taxes), and capitalists are more concerned with keeping the flow of resources going toward the eye at the top of their pyramids.
Real political and social 'actions' that take the future of our children into account will come with Collapse and failure of the luxurious consumer culture that everyone thinks is necessary for every program they come up with (renewable energy is always pushed as a replacement for fossil fuel useless activities, not for basic needs and degrowth).
There is no viable political or social path toward degrowth, sustainable soils and depopulation of cities toward useful repopulation of the land.
The leading story for the last 40 years has always been The Economy and the Stock Market (see comment about competitive moral turpitude). Americans especially are not equipped with the mental tools to think about life without competitive consumptionism.
Nature will bat last, however, and perhaps a few people will adapt to survive as an intentional branch of life again. Meanwhile, we live in interesting times, full of myriad possible paths.
Prediction is a fool's game, but I predict the future (if there is one) will belong to whomever establishes a system based on making people useful to themselves.
It's probably only going to be less than 100 or so: the number that can be taught to get along in an intentional community. Either that, or something like China's Belt and Road initiative: functional globalization instead of function-less economics.