Lots of data here for everyone to fight about. Thanks for making it interesting. Unfortunately, the bottom line is to ask, "What does the land need?" Fuck everyone who says they own a place. The place owns us (Earth), and if we aren't helping it, we're hurting it.
Wars aren't the problem. Competitive Consumptionism is. What are the Russians or Ukrainians doing for the landscape now?
The people and animals that live there probably could use some help cleaning it up. Sending weapons won't do that, whether those weapons come from the East or the West.
When we let the Big Money run the world and make all decisions based on spreadsheets and religion, then we aren't actually living any more: we're just dying at different rates.
Instead of making rockets, maybe the working people should be making guillotines and get it over with.
You want to stop war? Stop buying things. The only votes that count are the dollars at the checkouts.