My opinion (not that anyone cares..:) is that Shawn is right. I've never seen anything myself that eventually wasn't terrestrial or normal space phenomena, but like many, I want to believe that humans aren't the best we can hope for (primates that live inside a model in their head and ignore reality at all costs). The Belgium incident in 1989-90 fits the terrestrial source as well. When you read through the Belgian Air Force transcripts, you find that these triangles seemed to detect when a radar system was 'locked on' and then they could move fast enough to break that lock. Not getting too much into the technical details, being able to detect a 'lock' from an active digitally controlled scanning/tracking system isn't necessarily easy, and doing so implies some knowledge of the fire control system being used against you. That implies a human source or at least liaison with human military systems. The Belgium sightings appear similar enough to Shawn's sighting to suggest that they were smaller versions of the same drive types. Another aspect is the (relatively recent) press story about patent filings on fusion and anti-gravity tech that initially seem "fringe". Once one starts to learn enough about physics to question the Particle Explosion paradigm, then the patents and the light bulbs Shawn described are not all that mysterious (manipulation of mass/inertia via super heterodyned, ultra-high frequency electromagnetic energy). Shit, even I came up with that idea at least 30 years ago. There's just never time to work on it unless you have a gub'mint job.
The normal development process suggests that the Belgium sightings were basically 'fighter' vehicles and Shawn's sighting was more of a 'bomber'. The timeline fits.
As for the incidents that the Navy has been filming, let's just leave that in a different category of unknown for now. To quote Ahhnold, "If it bleeds, we can kill it." Sooner or later, some trigger happy jet jockey child is going to make one bleed if they are real.