Natural morality comes down to usefulness vs entropy. Life is the anti-entropy (Schroedinger) in that it takes the processes of decay and builds useful structure. Any species survives over the long term by being a net contributor to its environment's future, usually through the cooperative symbiosis of the predator-prey relationships, sex vs death (accelerated evolution) and natural efficiencies (maximized naptime, minimal energy expenditure).
Humans created civilization to avoid the risks and response ability of the tooth and claw world, and this isolation has developed into a morally backward System of competitively extractive moral turpitude (i.e. colonialism, 'limited liability corporations', nationalism, perpetual growth, debt (enslavement of our future self) etc) we call "consumerism."
Without asking "What Are People For?", there is only evil (actions taken based on unquestioned belief).